Analysis of the environment before starting planning process can be consider as presets of planning first and foremost task of the organization is to analyze internal and external environment to shutout organizations straight weakness opportunist and threats analysis of environment helps to determine objective of the organization strength and weakness are concerned with internal environment whereas opportunities and threats are concerned with external environment of the organization after analysing the environment origination sets the objective of the organization should be specific clear and measurable in terms of numerical and monetary value setting objectives are sets considering opportunities that can be grabbed by the organization and the threats that should be faced by the organization objective provide the guidelines for preparation of strategic and operational plans strength and weakness are also consider while setting the plans .
Responsibility is known as obligation to perform certain assigned task in an effective way if a staffs is assigned certain task he/she should be responsible towards his her supervise is duty as well as obligation to complete assigned task it is personal obligation which can never be delegated to others a manager can delegated his authority but not his responsibility responsibility flows up ward from subordinate es to supervise rs responsibility is personal and cannot be vested in organizational position responsibility arises only when a duty has been assign and authority has been delegated by a Superior to subordinate according to George r tatty responsibility is the obligation to carryout assigned activities to the best of his abilities.
Authority means the right provided to staffs to perform certain task to make decisions to direct other staff to perform certain task it is related to position and person since people working in certain position may be changed the authority is assigned for a position however the level of authority may different the basis of the still and capacity of a person having certain position authorial is provided to the staffs from the management or broad of directors so it flows downward the authority can further be delighted to other staffs as well manager should be clear about the rules regulation and procedures of the organization so that they can properly use their authority it is based on organisational treacly higher level managers have higher authority and vice verse
          Delegation of authority means an act and process of providing authority and power by superior to the subordinate to perform certain task.Management is known as  art of gearing things done form others so management has to get the things done form the subordinate for subordinate to perform certai9n task they should be provided with sufficient rights to perform the task assigned to them in delegation assignment of works is done along with the authority to perform the want delegation of authority provides responsibility and authority to a person making him or her accountable for the performance.
On the basis of involvement of person in deciding making decision are classified as individual and group decision if single person is involved in decision making process it is individual decision for this purpose individual has to use his personal knowledge skill idea to take decision generally proprietors to sole trading concerns and autocratic leaders take such type of decisions
In group decision a group of people person are involved in decision making process such decisions are taken in in IMO stock companies partnership firms cooperative organizations etc in such decision group of people come into discussion and finally take a decision through mutual consent generally group decision made for unique and creative nature of subject matter



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