science is a systematic body of knowledge which uses scientific methods for observation management also in voles some basic system and procedure for completion of their task which can be used any time however the principles of management can be modify according to time and situation.there is always cause and effect relation of the elements in sciences like wises there is cause and effect relationship between various output and input of managerial activity.scientific principles are applied anywhere in the world anytime in the same way managements principles and system are used in all type of organization all over the world to same extent management system  and process may differ from organization to get organization but the principle are same
Management is one of the important art of human activities it is essential where there is human achingly  therefore we can say management is essential in all types of organizations of the world like business social educational of political institutions it helps to develop certain rules system and procedures for completion of work the process of management may be different from one organization to another and one place to another but the basic principles of management are same, we can say that the management principles are universally accomplishes its objectives or works by with and through the social people management utilizes human resources for the achievement of organizational goals hence management has to consider not only the organizational objectives but also the social objectives it has to fulfill needs of the employees by remaining.
Practice makes a man perfect an artist needs regular practice and exercise to the perfect results in the same way managers also become perfect from long practice and exercise with the experience managerial skills of the managers also increases creativity is essential for both art and management an artist creates new knowledge to come forward among the public a manager too has to use his personal intelligence imagination and creativity to become successful manager develops new policies and stationers in the field of production distribution promotion etc.
This is one of the commonly used basis for departmentalization according to this basis departments are establish on the basis of the nature of the functions to be performed in the organization like finance production marketing human resources a major function can farther be divided into sub function if required a team along with specialized department head is assigned responsibility of a department it focuses on specialization.
 This basis of departmentalization is used by the large organizations which are involved in various product line departments are created on the basis of product line for example if an organization produces cold drinks noodles bis cutes separate departments are created on the basis of these three products further different sub department are created with in each departments on the basis of nature of the jobs each department looks after the production marketing finance ect. related job each department is independent and responsible for its over all performance.
management is multidisciplinary in nature many of the principles and techniques used in management are borrowed from a number of other disciplines epically from social science like psychology sociology economics mathematics etc. Manager has to use those ideas and knowledge as per the requirement and to manage the organization in systematic and efficient member profession involves in the specific type of work which is beyond the achievement of general people now a days management is also regarded as a kind of profession which needs specific knowledge for the achievement of goals the basic principles and techniques of management are formally taught and practiced in colleges and universities the development of competition in business world specially large scale organizations like joint stock companies and multinational companies the concept of professionalism  is developed in management the corporate business.
Management as a discipline can be understood as a branch of knowledge it is a specialized knowledge which gives idea regarding the study and use of certain principles laid down by the management with the increased competition in the business field management of any organization should have knowledge about managerial skills for which study of management is essential like other discipline such as economic mathematic sciences etc. management also have been developed as separate discipline which is being taught in different colleges and university across the world.
the management system of today may not be applicable or effective chamberlain duration of time therefore management must be dynamic and flexible with the changing environment of the society.
          Each and every organization are established to achieve certain goal with the use of certain goal with the use of certain resources by performing certain activity in effective and efficient way management is the process of getting things done by others peoples it is a set of activity like planning organizations leading and controlling which are directed at an organizations resources physical resources and informational resources with an aim of achieving organizational goal it focuses on utilization of group effort in the attainment of common goal and and objectives the word management can be divided into three words as management this means managing men totally .          there are different views about management management can be defined as a noun or group as a process as a discipline and as an activity.



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